Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation - special Pradipika practice - 22 November 2015
Hatha Pradipika practice this week This week Duncan will be following some of the older hatha yoga postures as detailed in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. These are some of the oldest recorded postures in yoga's written history. It will be fun for us to gain a deeper knowledge of these more ancient postures. This form of yoga is accessible to complete beginners with modifications and to advanced practitioners. Yoga allows people to practice within their own ability without competition with others. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a classical text describing Hatha Yoga. It is said to be the oldest surviving text on Hatha Yoga. Swami Swatmarama wrote the text in the 15th century CE, drawing upon previous texts and his own experiences. While the text describes asanas (postures), purifying practices (shatkarma), mudras (finger and ha nd positions), bandhas (locks), and pranayama (breath exercises), it also explains that the purpose of Hatha Yoga is the awakening of kundalin...