Mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness in meditation While travelling, I have taken time to read through a book Bhikku Analayo, a Buddhist monk, writing on the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha's most famous teaching on meditation and mindfulness. Mindfulness has become quite a trendy topic in the Western world. It came directly from exposure to Buddhist meditation practices and the rise of Goenka's Vipassana meditation methodology to enter into Western ideas of stress reduction, health treatment related to stress, and generally improvement of life quality. Mindfulness, or 'sati' in Pali means to pay attention to what is going on: to watch and observe. It is link to sampajana - which means to understand something in context. Through observing carefully what we are doing, to watch our reality in slow-motion, we often find that we have built up stress and anxiety unnecessarily and that by concentrating the mind we can untangle that process. In this morning's meditation I started off ob...