Inversions and shoulders
Getting it right upside down I am a yoga teacher and a meditator, not a physio, so this is not meant to be a medical introduction. What I have learnt about inversions is that you require preparation, sometimes a really patient approach to strengthening your upper body and improving flexibility. A few years ago I got really caught up with learning to do pincha mayurasana - the forearm balance. I work intensively without really understanding that I did not yet have the shoulder strength or flexibility. I injured my shoulders being in a rush and it tooks months to get them back to normal. I can do pinch comfortably these days - but the message is - slow, steady, grow your capacity and don't be in a rush with inversions. Pincha mayurasana is shown to the left here. Of all the inversions discussed here, pincha is the most stable as you have the full length of your forearm on the floor and you can use your hands and elbows to give you micro-adjustments. Headstands come second as...