
We are on the mat and online - naked yoga for men globally

  Welcome to an update on our online naked yoga page for men. Since the pandemic, I have not had a proper space to teach yoga in person, so I have moved to online teaching on a Zoom platform. I do also some private classes at home for beginners here in Paris.  Our weekly online classes are free. The goal is to build up a community of men doing naked yoga practice together.  It is a 75 minute class twice on weekends: 6pm on Saturday and 10am on Sunday (Paris times). The Saturday class is accessible for men in the Americas. The Sunday class focusses on men in South Africa and Europe.  Unfortunately, this is not for beginners. You need some previous yoga experience to practice virtually. They are small classes, about four to six men in different countries. Teaching is in English and French.  You will need a yoga mat, a reasonable internet connection, webcam and it helps to have a Zoom account. For the login details, please write to me on capemensyoga (at)

2023 Men's Naked Yoga online - yes - we are here for you!

 Dear Yoga Brothers, ॐ We have been through a strange time with the pandemic. Hopefully you have found your way through these times, drawing on the teachings and your practices to work with the uncertainties and inner peace. In 2023, I am pleased to let you know that we are continuing to offer two naked men's yoga classes each weekend. One is on Sunday mornings, oriented to yogis in South Africa and Europe; and the other is Saturday evening which is a convenient time in the Americas.  The classes are free, with the aim of connecting us together for a shared practice. To practice, you need to have some prior knowledge of yoga. It is not recommended for complete beginners. You will need a yoga mat, a reasonable internet connection and a webcam. You are required to use your webcam during practice, and no recording is permitted.  Instruction is in English or in both English and French, according to the needs of the class. It is 75 minutes long on a Zoom link. If you would lik...

Back on the virtual mat - new weekly online naked men's yoga classes

 Dear Yoga brothers, After a seasonal break, we are back on the mat with a 75 minutes men's nude yoga practice. The class is aimed at men who already have some yoga experience and want to practice together on a virtual platform. We have weekly Zoom yoga on Sunday mornings. If you have injuries or a medical condition that is pertinent, please always check with your health professional as well as alerting the teacher in advance.  As the classes are virtual, kindly remember that no photography, screen shots or video are permitted.  You will need a yoga mat, a stable connection with a webcam. It helps to have a cushion to sit on, a yoga strap and block(s), and a sweat towel.  For more information, contact us on capemensyoga (@) 

Yes, we are on Zoom! Men's nude yoga online in 2021.

  It is our great pleasure to let you know that Cape Men's Yoga is back online in 2021. The pandemic has been quite a journey for everyone on Earth. For many of us, it has meant the suspension of yoga classes in person. Our new technologies have created more reliable opportunities to practice together virtually. It is not ideal to teach like this. Yoga is a wonderful practice that creates the possibility of improved physical and mental health, at the same time, it requires quality instruction and someone to supervise learners, especially if you are new or have special needs. Nonetheless, the online format is a way for us to gather, to practice together, and it has the added benefit of no travelling and we have people joining from many countries.  This virtual platform is for Cape Men's Yoga members and some of our friends. We kicked off in February and the group is growing. We'll take it through March, April and May 2021 and see how that goes.  Sam has also opened a new s...

Online yoga and yoga festival mode during the Pandemic

Dear Yoga brothers in South Africa and globally, Well, as the teachings remind us, there is always uncertainty. One never knows what is around the next corner, and here we find ourselves in a global pandemic. Most of you reading this are in confinement or lock down, and many of you no doubt have been infected or affected. This is a brief note to say that Cape Men's Yoga continues and flourishes on line. Sam has set up two regular classes, Tuesday and Thursday with Adam Yoga, and on Sundays there is a nude or clothing optional class with CMY at 10h30, South African time. Sam has brilliantly put together two international yoga retreat days, the next being on Sunday 26 April 2020. There are teachers from around the globe providing teaching throughout the day. For your ease and security, we are doing things on Zoom with a password. You need to register for the regular classes and separately for the Yoga day on 26 April. Please contact Sam on: +27 76 904 2067 for whatsapp det...

Celebrating being men in body and spirit!

On reflection  I go into every retreat with no expectations but a reasonable level of preparation. I know that each retreat is shaped by the great teachers, a good thematic design and pacing, the brilliant creative projects and then the chemistry of diverse men working, creating, exploring together. The Explorer retreat of 2019 did not disappoint. 23 men spent 4 days exploring mind, body and spirit. We picked up a theme of the Katha Upanishad, an Indian myth of a pious young lad who travels to the world of the Dead to learn the secrets of existence. The weekend started with an exquisite blindfolded teaching by Sajiv. That just set the tone and we were off. Sean taught Iyengar influenced hatha yoga; Sam taught a magical Bhakti yoga, Eugene did a fiery vinyasa, Nigel taught a yin class, everyone joined energy to teach an inversion course followed by group and acro-yoga - always a crowd pleaser. Craig taught a masterful Budokon yoga drawing on the warrior theme. In between, David...

Call for deposits: Winter Retreat 8-11 August 2019

We have sent out an email to those on our list for deposits for the Cape Men's Yoga winter retreat, 2019. This is a four day / three night retreat. It is exclusively for men and the yoga is done naked. It takes place outside a small town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. We normally accept 22 men on a retreat. It is fully catered with great vegetarian cuisine. The farm is beautiful. Accommodation is mostly twin single beds. Though rustic the farm is well equiped. The total price per person including everything except transportation is ZAR 2100. (which is Euro 131). Deposits are due by 27 May to secure your space. All of the teachers are certified yoga or pilates instructors. For more information contact us on capemensyoga (@)