Celebrating being men in body and spirit!

On reflection 

I go into every retreat with no expectations but a reasonable level of preparation. I know that each retreat is shaped by the great teachers, a good thematic design and pacing, the brilliant creative projects and then the chemistry of diverse men working, creating, exploring together. The Explorer retreat of 2019 did not disappoint.

23 men spent 4 days exploring mind, body and spirit. We picked up a theme of the Katha Upanishad, an Indian myth of a pious young lad who travels to the world of the Dead to learn the secrets of existence. The weekend started with an exquisite blindfolded teaching by Sajiv. That just set the tone and we were off. Sean taught Iyengar influenced hatha yoga; Sam taught a magical Bhakti yoga, Eugene did a fiery vinyasa, Nigel taught a yin class, everyone joined energy to teach an inversion course followed by group and acro-yoga - always a crowd pleaser. Craig taught a masterful Budokon yoga drawing on the warrior theme. In between, David ingited creativity with a clay building class and Barend took us flying with charcoal and pencil drawing. This was all combined with nature walks, great food, laughter, log fires and clear winter skies.

In between the yoga and art classes were our guided meditations and this year we spent more time exploring pranayama. The aim was to offer the holistic exposure to all 8 limbs of yoga. The retreat explored spirituality, energy, when we can be strong, when we need to let go, when we need to lead, and when we need to be supported or supportive.

Our traditional closing ceremony got totally turned around with Colin introducing another innovation - we are all about traditions and innovations! - with all of the students giving feedback to the teachers. The teachers just listened, often with tears running down their faces - tears of brotherhood and joy, of recognition and of the open heart. We felt deeply blessed by all this giving, all this bonding and some beautiful work of mind and body together.

Here are few images of us having fun. We don't really take photos in the naked yoga, our focus in within us, but hey, a few fun shots from the group yoga.

As a final word, what makes our retreats work so well is that they are inclusive. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is bringing something important. The event is all about cocreation and leaving egos behind in the city. It is a place to be at peace, at home and have time to play and explore.



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