Next Cape Men's Yoga Class - Sunday 4 August 2013

After a great retreat weekend, we are back at our regular practice. Today, 28 July 2013, we had some new guys on board, regulars and returnees. We practised the fire meditation, examining the fire element and how it links up with our ability to generate heat, effort, power, creativity and change.

Why get stuck in a bad place when through skilful effort we can bring about valuable changes? Life does not always deal easy cards and it certainly brings challenges and disappointments. That is part of what it is to be human. The key to a yogic life is to allow life to unfold and to find inspiration and quiet within the changes and flow, to turn the shocks into opportunities, and to avoid doing harm to yourself or others - ahimsa.

What we focus on, how we interpret certain events can pull us down, lift us up, make us feel stuck, or open up new ways of seeing a situation. This is also true in our yoga asana practice.

If you are looking to touch your toes, get stronger, become calmer or just put your well-being at the centre of your living, you are most welcome to join us on Sundays in Hout Bay.

Next class is 10h00 on Sunday 4 August 2013

For further details contact

Double downward facing dog - stacking Adho Mukhasvanasana


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