Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation - ajna - the wisdom chakra
26 July 2015 - Ajna / Wisdom chakra yoga This week Duncan will be taking us higher. For several weeks Cape Men's Yoga has been working with the theme of chakra consciosness in our practice. The Indian belief systems posits that there are nodes of energy in the body related to universal elements and the characteristics of our existence. You can take the chakra idea as a metaphor, or as something more literal about the interface of energy, consciousness, character and transformation. Either way, it is a useful way to explore your ability to live in a balanced manner. This week we move up the chakra chain to the Third Eye, the ajna chakra, the site considered to be the energetic focus of our wisdom. All other aspects of our life, manifestation, conduct and understanding form a basis for growing our wisdom - the wisdom to understand ourselves and the universe, to learn from observation, to learn from our actions, to see the unity of the universe and where we fit in there. In ...