New month, new cycle of the moon.

Welcome to July, which brings us just six weeks away from our next retreat,  14 - 16 August 2015.

One of the great truths in yoga is that our life is both unique and part of a much great whole. The energy that manifests to give us breath, personality, agency and options is that which underpins the whole of the universe - both the material world which we perceive on a daily basis, and the energetic or spiritual world which is not so easily perceived and yet informs all things.

Yoga invites us to live authentically. To be who you are meant to be. This does not mean that you can do anything with impunity or arrogance. The universe has a moral and ethical character to it. This is the law of 'karma' - the moral law of cause and effect. If we turn our mind to be harmful to others - either in ignorance or by intention and anger - then we poison the mind, drag ourselves into a mental space that will cause suffering.

Sounds like hard work? Well not so hard. It is habitual. Cleansing our mind of habitually negative states makes us so much happier, easier for others to engage with, serene and able to appreciate the small things in life.

Yoga is about working with your body and mind. It is also a way into a greater state of happiness and seeing the larger picture of the world and its ebb and flow of energy. You may have spent a lot of life trying to fit into other people's ideas of normal and successful. You have felt like a really strange kid and wondered if you would ever fit in.

The point in yoga is that you are meant to trust yourself, your own journey, the signs you recognise along the way. You are meant in life to find your full potential and live that. To be who you can be, to explore, to dare, to reflect, to trust in your life mission and the path you are walking on.

In naked yoga, many of those other social norms fall away - and there is a chance to be authentically you. To move, to breath, not to worry about anything, just unfold like a lotus flower as the new day begins.

Join us each Sunday from 10 am until noon for 2 hours of nude yoga, yogic breathing and meditation. Take the time to be at the centre of your life, to extend your consciousness and to bring about the changes that you feel will benefit you. It all awaits you on the mat.


email: capemensyoga AT gmail dot com
whatsapp: zero eight two 579 6868


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