Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation class - Sunday 30 August 2015

Discover your true potential!

Sounds like some advertising slogan, hey? Yet we all have potential. Through opportunities, contacts and contexts we somehow may our way in life - developing skills, and identity, relationships, perhaps a career and family life.

Typically we develop a persona about who we want to be - how we want others to perceive us. This may be transparent, kind and honest, or it may be misleading, unwholesome or even destructive. Lots of options out there.

Yoga is about bringing the body and mind together. Anchoring ourself in a physical and mental process so that we rediscover ourselves and eventually rethink some of our assumptions. In yogic philosophy our surface manifestation - this life, this body, these ideas - are just emanations from the energy of the world. Elements come together and manifest, then they come apart and that life ends.

Yoga practice is a study of both the reality of our being, our limited time on Earth, deepening and understand of our lives, our purpose and within that - yes, even our true potential. That may be a particular posture that you were not expecting, a headstand or arm balance - but hopefully it is a whole lot more - learning to live with inner peace, wisdom, an open heart, a sense of constant inner joy and curiosity about life.

Come and spend 2 hours with Cape Men's Yoga - naked as you are, exploring your body and mind - and opening up some space in your life, time for yourself, time for being fully alive.

We'll be doing another vinyasa flow class this week.


Sunday 30 August 2015
For venue details in central Cape Town, please contact us on capemensyoga AT
Or Whatsapp / sms 082 579 6868


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