Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation - 23 April 2017
Someone asked me this week: What is yoga? I hear so much about it, but I don't really get it.
Yoga is a lot of things to a lot of people. It helps to remember that yoga in the Western world is very new - it only started in the 1950s, whereas in India it dates back literally thousands of years. In India it is a spiritual and meditative practice, also associated with healing, restoration, meditative concentration and devotion. The father of modern yoga, Krishnamacharya, always emphasised the spiritual aspect of yoga, but noted that if you don't believe in a spiritual dimension, then yoga should bring you together with the natural world - it is all about union with the universe. Yoga itself derives from the word 'yoke', 'unite', 'union'.
In the West, yoga became a lifestyle, fitness and wellness trend. It was original practiced by people interested in the East, then it became a fad amongst writers and movie stars, eventually entering into mass culture and unfortunately also into commercialisation.
Our approach to yoga is closer to its roots but also taking the benefits added by Western health sciences and the sequencing of postures. We believe that everyone has a core of truth, serenity and a connection to the universe. Yoga is a journey which uses the body as a way to get back to that core, that quiet and honest place inside of us. Getting naked is part of the journey to truth, trusting yourself and those around you, bringing peace between the inner and outer world.
So whether you want to get more flexible, touch your toes, find your inner peace, meet some good Capetonians, sweat it out on a Sunday morning - whatever inspires you, roll out a mat and come practice with us.
This week we are back to yoga basics with a traditional vinyasa styles class: sun salutations, standing postures, balancing postures, floor work, inversions, breath work and meditation.
We have a great venue in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. Write for info on the venue.
Join us:
capemensyoga AT
Whatsapp 082 579 6868
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