Cape Men's Yoga Winter Retreat - call for deposits

Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation Winter Retreat 

10-13 August 2017

We are ready to start organising the 2017 Cape Men's Yoga winter retreat. This year we have again booked Hearth & Soul Eco-Farm Our host is the energetic and ebullient Sybille Nagel.

Hearth & Soul is a rustic retreat, located behind Napier on the way to Stanford via the back roads of the Overberg. It has confortable accommodation, a yoga and meditation hall, big fire places, lounge areas, great vegetarian food and some excellent hiking trails.

We have booked for three nights and four days: Thursday 10 August until midday Sunday 13 August. Note that 9 August is a public holiday so you may wish to come a day earlier for some quiet meditation and preparation for the retreat, even the option of some fasting. Evidently, it is also possible for you to come just for 2 nights / 3 days - though we highly recommend committing to the full retreat as this takes you much deeper into the practice.

The programme consists of nude yoga, guided meditation, creative events, hikes, massage reflexology and quiet time. It is a time to recharge, to unplug, and to find your inner centre. It is also a time for the spiritually inclined to deepen your practice, come closer to your source. We respect all religious and spiritual traditions including atheistic views of the world. Come as you are, there is place for you.

The anticipated costs, all included (except transport) is R1735 per person. This includes shared accommodation, 3 meals per day, and the shared venue costs. If you are unemployed or under-incomed, you may discuss a subsidy with me. We normally try to assist with some form of subsidy for at least one person per retreat. You would have to cover some of the cost yourself.

We can accommodate up to 30 men for the retreat. This notification is to put out the first call for deposits. I need the deposits by 1 June 2017 and the balance by 14 July 2017.

The initial deposit is R400 per person and is normally not refundable. This is because the event is not for profit and we have shared costs for the venue. If one person pulls out it changes everyone else's final balance.

Please note that retreats are not for beginners. You must have yoga experience and a reasonable level of fitness or the intensity will not be good for you.

For banking details email me on capemensyoga At
Queries on whatsapp 082 579 6868


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