Special Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation Class - 24 September 2017

Dear Yogis,

Our class on 24 September 2017, will be the last one taught by our founder. He has a new job that will be taking him overseas.

We are busy trying to confirm a transition strategy for Cape Men's Yoga. To be frank, we are short of teachers at the moment, after having so many wonderful contributions and solidarity. Those who know CMY know that it is much more than a yoga group - it is a place to explore, to find kindred spirits, to open oneself up to new energy, new ideas, new potential. We've tried to create a space where you are welcome exactly as you are and to let that be sacred, special, respected and appreciated.

As this is to be a finale class, we expect a relatively high level of attendance. Kindly confirm on Facebook or by whatsapp if you intend to participate as we are limited to 28 spaces in the yoga hall.

We will do a vinyasa flow class with meditation. Join us for this special class at Africa's only nude men's yoga practice.

Bring your mat, sweat towel and an open mind. It is nude yoga, so no shorts or underwear, just be exactly who you are.

Payment is by a voluntary donation which helps cover our rental and equipment costs.

You can learn more by email capemensyoga (AT ) gmail dot com
Or whats app: 082 579 6868



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