The Lord of Death and meditation
In our Sunday mini-retreat, we took some time to read an excerpt from one of the most famous of the Upanishads - holy scriptures of the Vedic tradition. In this tale, Nachiketa is cursed by his father and as a response he travels to see Yama, Lord of Death. Yama is away and Nachiketa must wait for him to return. Yama is mortified that a guest has been made to wait. He offers Nachiketa any gift he wants. Nachiketa wants to know about the mysteries of death. Yama is reluctant but the boy has the right to ask. In this excerpt Yama explains how we apply our minds to understand the truth of the Self and in so doing, we understand our mortality and immortality. Behind this is a story about the fear of our Ego, the fear of death, of annihilation, of being set aside so that the true mind may pursue the holy life. In yoga, do not have fear, trust the path, trust your intuition, learn to put down the outer fussing mind and find the inner sanctum of stillness... Katha Upanishad Transl...