Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation: Fire & Ice Winter Retreat 14 - 16 August 2015

We have received the new prices for 2015. Bodhi Khaya is now VAT registered so all of our previous costs now have a VAT rate on top which has put up the prices since the summer retreat.

This retreat will be 3 days and 2 nights, with the option of an extra day / night ahead of the main retreat. Nina is back as our vegetarian caterer, she has been the very best thus far and CMY are her biggest fans.

The retreat involves a journey. We have multiple teachers of both yoga and meditation, as well as other forms of self-exploration through art, self-study, nature walks, ayurvedic practices (mostly rubbing yourself with almond oil first thing in the morning and climbing into cold water - for the fun of it).

The journey is one of personal understanding and introspection as well as a collective journey of being with others, hearing their stories, loving them with an open heart and supporting their practice as they support yours.

My estimate of the costing this season will be about R1600 pp / sharing, all inclusive. This includes accommodation, food, the facility usage and your contribution to the teachers costs. The teachers all volunteer their time but we give them a significant discount due to their selfless contribution of their knowledge and wisdom.

Final cost depends on how many men attend, as the shared costs are divided between us. We also have a slight algorithm built into the costs so that the more expensive your choice of accommodation, the more you pay relatively to the general costs. The variance is small but designed to help men who are financially struggling to make the retreat have a reasonable share of the group costs by taking the less expensive accommodation.

The cheapest accommodation is the five and four man dormitories - which are indeed comfortable. The most expensive are the cottages up on the hill, which have self-catering facilities and their own fire places.

There are now the monks rooms, which turned out last time to be quite nice. These are single occupancy. Most rooms are shared occupancy. There are some double bed rooms for couples or really good friends.

The system is first to pay their deposits have the first options on rooms. Deposits in most cases cannot be returned due to the shared and not for profit costing.

We are calling for a R750 deposit now and the balance due a week ahead of the retreat. To pay and organise your room, contact us on capemensyoga AT I will send you the banking information and offer you the various options on rooms.

You may invite people to join the retreat however:
a) This is a completely sober detox event - so no drugs, no alcohol;
b) They need to have a yoga practice, the retreat is too intense for newbies. Even a few weeks of steady yoga is sufficient but they must have some prior experience;
c) No one is obliged to participate in everything, but we do ask anyone attending to be part of the group, to join the opening / closing events and do some of the yoga. This is after all why we have put so much effort into building a space for a community of practice.

The yoga is naked but BK is not a nudist resort, so clothes are worn at meal times, usually during meditation and when outdoors. Swimming is bathing suit optional.

As a final note, and under FAQ, Cape Men's Yoga does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, culture, spiritual tradition or sexual orientation. You need to be reasonably physically fit to attend a retreat, but as always the yoga is meant to fit your body, and not the other way around. We have men from Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist and other faiths in the group. If you are a Wiccan or Atheist, that is also fine. You make of the journey what makes sense to you in your particular tradition.

You can contact us on capemensyoga AT

More details to follow on the programme. There will be a limited number of places. 


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