Get Naked for Nepal - CMY invites you to a fund raiser for the earthquake victims in Nepal
Sunday 24 May 2015 -
CMY Naked Fund Raiser for Nepal
CMY Naked Fund Raiser for Nepal
Yoga is about having a heart and using your body to get it to work - both practically and emotionally.
Join us for this very special event. On Sunday 24 May we will dedicate our regular Cape Men's Yoga class to a fund raiser to help relief work on the ground in Nepal.
We'll be doing the sacred practice of 108 Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara) in homage to those who lost their lives and for all of those trying to pick up the pieces, nurse the grieving and the injured, and to rebuild their country.
108 sun salutations are not easy, so keep in mind that you need to practice, be in shape and know your limits. It takes about 90 minutes to get through the practice. We'll have two or more teachers coaching.
As always, we'll be buck naked and sweating as we go through the cycle. We ask you to bring cash and donate generously. We'll be sending the money directly to people we know working on the ground in the devastated region of the country. We will ensure the money gets where it is meant to be, helping people in the more remote mountain villages.
Welcome and be with us for this event. We'll be at our regular venue, regular time slot. Extra mats available. Definitely bring your wallet, yoga mat, sweat towel and a water bottle.
Capemensyoga AT
082 579 6868
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