Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation - 03 July 2016
Cape Men's Yoga just celebrated its fifth anniversary. Literally more than a hundred men from Cape Town, Johannesburg and overseas have benefitted from this mindful, community-based practice. What is it that makes naked yoga so rewarding? We all have quite different bodies and life experiences. Naked yoga allows you to be yourself without any disguises or covering - you come to class as you are, wherever that is on your journey - and you find a group of men also willing to be with you, to be themselves, to accept you fully as you are - men of all ages, colours, beliefs, sexual orientation, backgrounds and even a range of physical abilities. Join us this season to transform your life - to be part of a community of practice and of respectful engagement. Have the courage to try. In today's class we explored the 'warrior poses' - Virabhadra 1 2 and 3. These are famously strong poses in yoga. Virabhadra is from the Hindu mythology - he was the son of Shiva, someti...