Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation - Sunday 19 June 2016

Cape Men's Yoga eases into winter season and you will be very glad to know what the venue has heating. In our early years in Hout Bay we had to put on a gas heater and the guys near the french-doors always got a cold draft up the backside.

Winter is a great time for yoga - it is a time for reflection, to spending some more time with yourself. As winter rains hopefully soak the Cape, other outdoor activities give way to the inner practices.

In class today we were exploring how to anchor ourselves - how mindful attention of the lower part of the body, particularly the mula-bandha and muladhara-chakra help keep us in the physical space, aware of the body, aware of the Earth, keeping us stable in what can sometimes be a confusing world.

This Sunday we will explore our ability to summon up effort - what is Buddhism is called 'right effort' meaning the effort that is good for you, transformative without being extreme or unbalanced. Right effort typically means the effort not to do things that you know are not good for you. To stop doing what is harmful. Right effort means boosting those habits that are wholesome and good for you, which likely includes a regular yoga and meditation practice, being patient with yourself and others, seeing things as they really are not as you wish them to be. Right effort is also about having confidence in your own personal journey - your spiritual and moral development.

We'll be doing a vinyasa flow class - a series of poses that explore your body and mind, balance and flexibility.

If you are new to yoga - be welcome. Just because you can't touch your toes today does not mean it is not possible for you. The great thing about yoga is that none of know what we are capable of until we patiently practice.

Join us this Sunday

082 579 6868 for whatsapp
capemensyoga AT gmail for e-mail communications.


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