Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation - 03 July 2016

Cape Men's Yoga just celebrated its fifth anniversary. Literally more than a hundred men from Cape Town, Johannesburg and overseas have benefitted from this mindful, community-based practice.

What is it that makes naked yoga so rewarding? We all have quite different bodies and life experiences. Naked yoga allows you to be yourself without any disguises or covering - you come to class as you are, wherever that is on your journey - and you find a group of men also willing to be with you, to be themselves, to accept you fully as you are - men of all ages, colours, beliefs, sexual orientation, backgrounds and even a range of physical abilities.

Join us this season to transform your life - to be part of a community of practice and of respectful engagement. Have the courage to try.

In today's class we explored the 'warrior poses' - Virabhadra 1 2 and 3. These are famously strong poses in yoga. Virabhadra is from the Hindu mythology - he was the son of Shiva, sometimes said to have been created in a fit of rage and grief when Shiva, hearing his wife had been killed by her own father, tore a dreadlock from his head and cast it down to create his angry son. He sent Virabhadra to slay Daksha, his father in law. The warrior poses explore how we can come to understand the unwholesome nature of our anger and to convert this into a creative energy.

In a dream this week, I dreamt I had two wires running through my body. A red wire conduct anger through me. A black wire transmitted healing and positive energy. The red wire was hot and fast, attracting a lot of my attention. The black was subtle and cool. The red was exciting but also toxic and dangerous. The black was moving healing energy quietly around my body. It is up to me where I put my attention - if I can understand that anger is easy but also poisonous. Healing is something we must focus on and flourishes with wholesome thoughts.

The story of Shiva and Virabhadra is also about carrying the anger across generations of men. As men, we are the ones most likely to rape, hurt, belittle, threaten, even kill others. We are the ones who drive crime, wars, abuse and shape how young men define themselves. As yogis, it is important for us to be change agents - moving beyond the transmission of the father's anger to the son- rather to change that cycle and heal ourselves and through it, also heal South Africa.

We practice at 10h30 until 12h15 every Sunday at our new venue in the Cape Town southern suburbs. It is best if you have a mat though we have some extras for drop ins. There is apparently a sale on yoga blocks at Game this week - so that is also a useful investment. Straps can be purchased at Wellness Warehouse or via Billy the Bee. We have extra blocks and straps for members.

Payment is on a voluntary basis. You give what you can afford.

For more information contact us on:
capemensyoga AT
082 579 6868



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