July 2016 programme - Cape Men's Yoga
July 2016
We have two distinguished guest teachers at CMY this month - Gavin will be teaching on 17 July and Aidan on 24 July. They are both respected senior yoga instructors. Gavin has a background in psychology, orienteering, kahuna massage therapy and yoga teacher training. He specialises in the mobilisation of inner energy and wisdom to guide yoga movement. Aidan is a hatha instructor, a published author and a reflexology massage trainer. He has monastic meditation training.
Both teachers will also be contributing to our Tapestry of Life retreat in mid-August in the Overberg.
Please join CMY for these two distinguished teachers at our new venue in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. Beginners are welcome.
Note we only have a few extra mats for these particular classes so try to bring your own plus a sweat towel. There are showers on site.
On 31 July we have a specialist class on headstands, handstands and forearm balancing. This is the in the small studio so only 10 students may attend.
capemensyoga AT gmail.com
Or whatsapp 082 579 6868
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