Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation - 2 October 2016

Join us this coming Sunday for a class dealing with flexibility. We'll be working particularly with shoulder and hip flexibility - an important aspect of yoga training - both for the body and for the focus of the mind to understand what it is being asked to do and why.

We will also be working with the prasarita padottanasana forward bend sequence. This is a classic yoga move that requires strengthn in the legs as well as an ability to lift the navel and perineum to facilitate a deep forward fold.

From the forward bend it is also possible to lift up into a headstand; notably into the tripod headstand. This requires that you have some experience already with headstands and sufficiently strong neck muscles.

CMY is a voluntary nude men's yoga group in Cape Town, South Africa. It is open to men of all backgrounds, sexual orientations, and levels of yoga experience. The goal is an authentic understanding of your body, mind and spiritual practice.

Join us on the mat. 10.30 on Sundays in the southern suburbs. For further information whatsapp or email us:
082 579 6868
capemensyoga AT


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