Volker Moritz workshop in Cape Town - not to be missed - Authentic Eros

It is our great honour to announce that Volker Moritz is back in Cape Town to run men's erotic workshops. He was here two years ago and ran the highly successful Fire on the Mountain series. Then next session is on 14-16 June 2014 in Rondebosch.

The link is here:


Authentic Eros is Capetown
14-16 June 2014

authentic eros is an invitation to enter your body, to sense, to feel, to be guided by your heart and your desires! To be yourself! To find and to create community!
We facilitate deep connections between body, mind, sex and spirit. We support men to proudly take their place inside the larger culture, to live from their deepest longing, to own their gifts and share them with the world. For that, we draw from various cutting edge disciplines concerned with embodiment, sexuality, systems awareness, psychology, spirituality, intimacy, communication and creativity. 
authentic eros provides a safe and supportive, sex-positive environment that is designed for experiential exchange and learning, healing and transformation, free expression and community building. 

volkerVolker Moritz Volker Moritz  is pioneering the edge of sex, heart and spirit.  He is working as psychologist (MSc) and licensed sex therapist in his own practice in Amsterdam. He is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker (IISB ®) and authorized Continuum Movement teacher. He gives worldwide workshops and trainings. He has set up projects for male sex workers in Amsterdam and muslim LGBT youth. For more than 20 years, he has been practicing meditation, studying different approaches to bodywork and healing. His qualities are on the one hand his warmth and on the other hand his clarity and depth. He enjoys nature in all it's aspects.

Authenic Eros Intro Workshop in Cape Town
What advantages does the training offer compared to individual workshops? 
Workshops tend to open new doors and point to new possibilities but once they’re over, participants don’t have a structure within which to deepen the new skills they’ve learned and to implement change in their lives. That is the purpose of a committed long term process within the same group. The longer the same group is together, the more genuine trust can be built, growth can go further and deeper. We will use tools that aim to create lots of space for individual experience, expression and exploration based on your truth.

Who would benefit from this?
Men who want to learn to be lovers in the broadest and the most specific sense of the word.Men who want to broaden their consciousness. Men who want to cultivate a deep connection to living in the here and now.Men who work in helping or healing professions and want to learn about hands- on approaches that include intimacy, Eros and sexuality.Men who want to explore authentic self-expression through body, sex and voice.Men who want to step into their potential.Men who are interested in healing.Men who want change in their lives and need a strong structure to support it.Men who want to explore living a vibrant, erotically and spiritually integrated life.

What if I want to drop out at some point? 
Of course that is your prerogative, but you would risk missing the benefit of the program. You might compare that to taking a half-baked bread out of the oven.????

Can we participate as a couple?
What if I fall in love with another participant? 
Welcome it. That’s something we can’t control, can we? Depending on the specific circumstances we then would discuss with you how best to proceed. It certainly could be a great topic to include into your overall process.

What if I can’t stand one of the other participants in the group? 
Fantastic. Just like real life, isn’t it. Except, now you have to deal with it. But how? That is exactly the kind of thing we will address. Also, through your work with yourself your perception of others will change for the better.

How many participants will the group have?
Max. 20

Is this an residential workshop?


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