Sunday 13 September 2015: Cape Men's Yoga & Meditation

Welcome to another Sunday session of Cape Men's Yoga. We are a community yoga collective, promoting authentic practice of naked men's yoga and meditation. The group has been running for four years and has built a strong network of committed yogis, with new guys joining regularly. 

This week's class will focus on the basics of yoga. If you have been thinking of starting or restarting yoga, it is a good class to begin with. We'll move slowly and steadily through all of the basic yoga moves, exploring the use of bandhas, alignment, and engagement of the muscles or muscle stacking for a safe and focussed practice. 

We practice various different styles with several qualified teachers. Read the FAQs for more information. 

Class starts at 10am - you need to be there before class starts as we lock the door. Two hour practice. Some of the yoga is physically demanding, so alert the instructor if you have any injuries or medical conditions. Work at your own level without strain.

For more information contact us on zero eight 25796868 or capemensyoga AT 

#yogadudes #capemensyoga #nakedmaleyoga #nudeyoga #capetown


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