Nude men's yoga in Cape Town - 11 January 2015
Naked Men's Yoga - a great way to enter 2015 - Sunday 11 January
Wow, great start to the year. We had 24 men at the first class on Sunday. We did a dynamic yoga class focussing on opening the heart centre, some partnered stretching work and a focus on downward facing dog, ending with a heart meditation.
This week, Craig will be teaching the class. He has recently qualified as a professional instructor, studying with one of the top yogis in South Africa. He'll be sharing some of his technique involving synergistic use of the muscular and nervous system in yoga movements. Attention to arm strength and upper body focus.
We are also on the count-down to our summer encounters retreat. Great time to increase the intensity of your practice to prepare for the retreat.
If you have never tried yoga, and like the idea of working with a community of men practicing naked, you are most welcome to join us. The group focusses on the wellness of mind and body. We provide qualified instructors to work with all levels of yoga experience and fitness.
Often we hear 'I can't do yoga, I am so not flexible'. Well, without knowledge, practice and effort that situation is not going to improve. Everyone has their first day and first moment where they set foot on a yoga mat. Our men's community is supportive, friendly and inclusive.
You need a sweat towel, best to bring your own mat and water bottle. Classes are done voluntarily though we invite donations for our venue in central Cape Town.
For more information contact us on:
Capemensyoga AT
PS. Netpic here, you don't have to have this kind of body to do yoga. ;-)
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